Document Type : Review Article


1 Experimental Medicine Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Clinical Microscopy, Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand.

3 E.N.T. Department, Worcester Royal Hospital, Worcester, UK


Platelets are tiny (2-4 m), anucleate, hematopoietic cells that are discharged into the circulation by bone marrow megakaryocytes. Platelets were formerly thought to be the main agents of hemostasis and thrombosis. Armand Trousseau established a strong link between thrombosis and cancer in 1865. The hypothesis that platelets play many roles in the development of malignancies and in cancer-associated thrombosis is thus supported by a wealth of clinical and experimental data.The functions of tumor-educated platelets (TEPs) in the development of cancer, from primary tumors to subsequent metastatic breakouts, will be covered in this study


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